Circles of Mercy is postponing all of our fundraising events for 2020 at this time as a result of the COVID-19 virus
2020 “A Taste of Mercy” Gala– Virus Fundraising Request – Your support in needed now more than ever! Read Letter
2020 School Supplies Drive – Starts July 1 thru August 24 for our area high school and pre-k students in need of yearly school supplies See Flyer
If you would like more information about any of these events, please call Circles of Mercy at 518-462-0899.
Connections – Circles of Mercy Newsletter

2018 Gala
June 5, 2018 – “Schenectady Today, In and Around the Capital Region”
Ann Parillo (right) the host of “Schenectady Today, In and Around the Capital Region”interviews Richard Zazycki (left) Executive Director of Circles of Mercy; about the upcoming Fundraising Gala “A Taste of Mercy” as well as reviewing the many services and programs that Circles provides such as: free income tax preparation, financial stability training, the CA$H Coalition and how Circles of Mercy plays an important leadership role, as well as other services available such as their clothing thrift store “Catherine’s Closet”. Please click on the web-link below to view the complete interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptEHe7cNix0

2018 TAX PROGRAM - 2/13/18
Ann Parillo (left) the host of “Schenectady Today, In and Around the Capital Region” interviews Richard Zazycki (right) Executive Director of Circles of Mercy; on February 2, 2018; where they discuss Don’t Panic! Tax help is on the way! Richard Zazycki, Chair of the Rensselaer County Chapter of the CA$H Coalition, talks about how Free Tax Preparation is provided through the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program. The community can get their income tax returns prepared for free, access financial stability training and how Circles of Mercy plays an important leadership role. Please click on the web-link below to view the complete interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp1Zym9NV2A



Irish Nite Fundraiser
Circles of Mercy a sponsored work of the Sisters of Mercy located in Rensselaer recently conducted its Irish Night fundraiser… Congressman Paul Tonko (center left) made a special visit and is pictured above with Jack Sweeney (far left), Finance Chair for the Circles’ Board of Trustees, along with Sister Jane S. Somerville, RSM, Albany Administrator for the Sisters of Mercy and Circles’ Trustee; and Richard S. Zazycki (far right) Executive Director for Circles of Mercy. The event was a huge success with more than $12,000 raised for the non-profit outreach organization that provides programs and services to those in need, especially women and children.